Thursday, May 14, 2009



  据悉,撰写该报告的作者是澳大利亚病毒专家吉布兹(Adrian Gibbs)。现已退休的吉布兹上周末将此事上报给位于日内瓦的世界卫生组织总部,称即将在网上公布此报告。


  世卫组织高官、权威流感科学家、健康及环境安全代理秘书长福田敬二(Keiji Fukuda)博士在11日的采访中表示,目前大家还在对此进行商讨,并未达成一致。吉布兹对病菌的研究已达40余载,也是首位对甲型H1N1流感病毒的基因组成进行分析的科学家。

  吉布兹及两名同事对流感病毒8个基因编码的数百个氨基酸(amino acids)序列都进行分析后发现,该病毒基因突变的频率比通常猪身上的病毒高出3倍,说明病毒不可能来自于猪。只可能是病毒在传染到人身上时,先接触到了猪而已。在接受媒体的电话采访中,他表示:“只要我们搞清楚病毒究竟是从何而来,我们才会更加安全。我的研究结果已经得到了包括孟菲斯圣·朱迪儿童研究医院的科研人员里查德·维比(Richard J.Webby)博士等科学家的支持。





Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Were Mercury and Mars separated at birth?

The title of the article is ‘Were Mercury and Mars separated at birth?’ This is about the state of Mercury and Mars at birth. It means that Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars set up a system close to symmetrical, with the two largest planets between the two smallest, and Brad Hansen of the University of California, Los Angeles built a numerical simulation to explore how a ring of rocky material in the early solar system could have evolved into the planets, and at last Hansen find that Mercury and Mars were not separated at birth. Hansen find out that the smaller bodies around the sun are typically separated from the larger two bodies Earth and Venus if they experience collisions on the way, like the thought of Earth created the moon, also including Mercury and Mars. As the bodies once beyond the ring, they cannot acquire mass and so remain pint-sized, Mercury and Mars have various properties. And I agree with the idea of Hansen just because she got out the idea through her practices. The only holder of the idea is the simulation, but that can also prove the idea is believable. From the article, I find out that Mercury and Mars were not separated at birth, and also we should fulfill while we explore truth about everything.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Everybody knows forgotten happened with the time passed by, but when does the weakest memory happen and does it have any pattern?
A famous German psychologist named Hermann Ebbinghaus published his lab report in 1885, after that, research on memory becomes one of the most important fields in psychology and he is the person who found the memory forgotten pattern, that is the Ebbinghaus forgotten Curve which is the result of an experiment.
Three Greek alphabets were made up into one syllable by Ebbinghaus which don’t have any real meaning and were the memory objects for Ebbinghaus. In psychology experiment, using words which have real meaning is not allowed because those meaningful words cause different association to memorize. Every eight meaningless syllables were consisted one group and there are total eight groups and Ebbinghaus was the conner. The aim of experiment is to measure time required to memorize the eight groups of syllables. At first, he spent about 1000 seconds. Next, the time taken was contrasted by 580 seconds to memorize the same eight groups of syllables after 20 minutes and the time saving rate is around 58%, in contrast, the forgotten rate is 42%. The curve represents that the forgotten procession is not balanced, after memorizing, the short period of time, the faster rate of forgetting, similarly, the long period of time, the slower rate of forgetting.
The experiment also shows that the forgetting procession is not only related to time but also the meaning, amounts, or orders of materials, even the physical and mental factors.
As a student, we can use the Ebbinghaus Forgotten Curve properly to study. Better understanding, better memorizing. More industrial, more harvest from the study. So, revision regularly can reduce the forgetting rate from studying. According to different types of students, they need different kinds of revision plan. Memorize just like heating water in the pot. If a pot of water is heating up to 100 Celsius degree, it’s easy to reheat up to 100 Celsius degree if it is 70 Celsius degree than 30 Celsius degree. That means after learning, one day review is easier to review than three days later.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Recently, the researchers of University of California, Berkeley have successfully made the staffs in the “invisible cloak” disappear.

Zhang Xiang (Xiang Zhang) is the University of California, Berkeley Department of Materials Science, Chief Scientist and its nano-science and engineering research center director. His researching team used silicon nano-materials to create a "cloak". The ordinary optical detection will not be able to find the items that placed in the mantle - although we are still able to see this "cloak", the items under the cloak have been "disappeared" without a trace. After exposing to a light plane, changing direction and refracting, the items in our vision vanish.

This device includes composite materials (composite metal materials, dielectric). It extraordinary "stealth" ability is more from the unique structure rather than material. They also invented the two new nano-materials which use silver and magnesium fluoride in turn to constitute fishing net into the new materials and generate from the porous alumina nano-silver line. Both materials can change the direction of light. It's an impossible character for the natural features.

Now, the invisible cloak can be operated in 1400 ~ 1800 nanometer wavelength. That is almost near-infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, slightly longer than light, visible to the naked eye of human. Zhang said that as the medium composition and design, the invisible cloak is easier to make and has a (coverage area) progressive expansion.

To think in an optimistic way, Researchers can create new materials in order to create a more accurate device - in other words, a real visual stealth.
In this experiment, they have already proved that the light refraction led to the principles of stealth is applicable in the two-dimensional space. The next goal is to create a cloak in the three-dimensional space and put such a device into practical use as soon as possible.